common review mistakes

Avoiding The Most Common Review Mistakes

commn review mistakesAs a business owner, you know how important it is to get reviews. For one thing, those reviews help potential customers learn more about your business. For another, reviews help prospects decide if they want to do business with you. However, responding to reviews can be tricky. If you make any of the following common review mistakes, you damage relationships with reviewers. In addition, future business opportunities grow weaker or disappear. In this blog post, we discuss the most common review mistakes and how to avoid them.

Common Review Mistakes: Not Responding

The first mistake business owners make is not responding to reviews at all. Businesses responding to at least 25% of their reviews earn 34% more revenue. This sends the message that you don’t care about your customers’ opinions.  Also, it is far more likely that negative reviews drive potential customers away. In fact, negative reviews cause as many as 40% of your prospects to refuse to do business with you. If you see a review, take the time to respond, even if it’s just to say, “thank you” or “we’re sorry.”

Common Review Mistakes: The Angry Response

Another common mistake is responding in a defensive or angry tone. Sadly, this only makes the situation worse and damages your reputation. First, if you receive a negative review, take a deep breath. Then, respond calmly and professionally. Thank the reviewer for their feedback. Moreover, let them know how you plan to improve in the future.

Common Review Mistakes: The Bribe Response

Finally, some businesses make the mistake of trying to bribe reviewers. This is never a clever idea. Not only is it unethical, but it often gets you in trouble with the review site. Google and Yelp mark those using bribery or fake reviews as “bad actors”. There are severe consequences when they detect this behavior. If you see a negative review, don’t offer the reviewer anything in exchange for taking it down or changing their opinion. You are better off fixing the problem. Follow that by helping them, and then, asking them to take it down when you have righted the wrong.

There is a fine line between bribing them and offering to do something to make the situation right. Thus, crossing this fine line gives the business even more problems by asking them to remove the negative review.

If you do decide to offer a concession or give them something, it is always best to have that conversation in private. Moreover, do not discuss such an offer on the review site where someone else reads it the wrong way.

Final Thought

By avoiding these common review mistakes, you ensure that your business’ reviews are working for you. It follows, then, reviews are not held against you. Responding thoughtfully to reviews shows potential customers that you care about your business and your customers. So, take the time to do it right. Then, you are sure to win more business overall.

We are here to help you. We have extensive experience working with review sites and helping you achieve your five-star reputation. If you want to know more about how we might be able to work together, reach out today!

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Ken Leib
Traffic & Conversion Analyst
Hi Octane Metrics LLC


phone: (513)463-7269

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