re-targeting ad example

Why Paid Traffic Marketing Matters to You

Re-Thinking Your Paid Traffic Options

When people think of “paid traffic,” what they usually mean is Facebook ads or, perhaps, something like Google display ads. In fact, a lot of people are probably not aware there are other options. Certainly, display advertising is one of the best.

You Have More Options Than Facebook Ads and Google AdWords

By now, it seems like everyone’s has an opportunity to create a Facebook post and boost it, Perhaps, they buy a Facebook advertising campaign. Quite probably, I’m sure you see the coupons for Google AdWords campaigns that seem to float around everywhere.

However, what you might not be aware of is that display advertising is another option that you should consider. In fact, there are websites all over that sell advertising spots using a variety of display ad networks. More-so, display ads also show in mobile apps.

Even today, companies do not use display ad networks. Undeservedly, the stereotype is that display advertising belongs exclusively in realm of the larger companies. Now, we are re-shaping the display advertising world and throwing the old stereotype out!

Paid Traffic: Display Ads

paid traffic re-targeting ad exampleDisplay ads represent an entirely different option. Alternatively, you know these as banner ads. Also, banner ads are a very common type of display ad. But, those are not the only type of display ad. For more effective display ad strategies for paid traffic read this blog article. In fact, there are also video ads and dozens of different sizes and placements. Following is the how and why:

Paid Traffic: Re-targeting Campaignspaid traffic story

Most amazingly, “re-targeting” is one of the greatest advertising strategies. Re-targeting uses display advertising to remain in front of prospects until they are ready to purchase. Re-targeted consumers are three times more likely to click on your ad.  On the other hand, 97% those who do not interact with your business move on to other websites. With re-targeting, your business tracks visitors to your website. Subsequently, your advertising displays. Then, your ad shows your offers to them repeatedly at a very low, affordable cost.

This amazing strategy utilizes all other advertising and marketing that already takes visitors to your website. Consequently, re-targeting allows you to get a second chance to get in front of 100% of all website visitors. Beat that!

Paid Traffic: Marketing Pixels

The big secret to re-targeting is the “pixel”. And no, we’re not talking about a pixel on a screen or Google’s “Pixel” cellphone. In this instance, we’re talking about a cookie someone’s browser stores after they visit a website. Then, the pixel tracks who they are. Subsequently, the cookie informs us when they visit another website. Ultimately, that is where we like to display advertising.

Very likely, you are experiencing a pixel tracking you as you shop for something on an eCommerce site. So, later you investigate a news site, a sports site, etc. Now, the same items you shop for display again at the top, the sides, or the bottom of those websites.

Mysteriously, websites know to target you with specific ads directly related to your indicated interests while visiting an eCommerce store. Somehow, those websites know to show you ads about products or services you have an interest in. What happens is that you got “pixeled”.

Think of this as your second chance to market to your customers even after they leave!

Every Business Should Now Be Re-targeting

Too often, small and average-sized have the ideal that only very large businesses with very expensive access to the “big data” are able to afford to re-target their customers. Thus, most consider showing their prospects indicating an interest in a product or service out of their reach financially. So, they dismiss this strategy without ever really trying it. Indeed, that assumption is very unfortunate.

Because, thanks to technology today, anyone can do it. Moreover, take special note, we specialize in affordable, cost-effective traffic and lead generation.

What makes what we do very unique is that we’re capable of doing more than just Facebook re-targeting and Google AdWords re-targeting. We’re able to work with dozens of ad networks and get your company in front of people on their favorite websites that they visit every day.

Both cold and re-targeting display ad traffic campaigns are an excellent option for making all the rest of your marketing and advertising efforts more powerful and effective.

We highly recommend it for every type of business. If you want more customers, paid traffic is vitally important to your marketing.

If display advertising interests you and want seasoned experts to help you navigate the process, we are here to help!

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Ken Leib
Traffic & Conversion Analyst
Hi Octane Metrics LLC
email: Ke*@my*******.com
phone: (513)463-7269

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