social listening

How to Use Social Listening to Understand Customers and Your Market

Do you know what your customers are saying about you on social media? If not, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to understand them better. In fact, social listening is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal for understanding your customers and your market. Here are some key strategies you can use to get started with social listening.

Monitoring Social Media Channels is Primary

social listeningFrequently, monitoring social media channels for mentions of your brand enables you to stay ahead of the chatter about you. Moreover, when you set up Google Alerts, you have ability to track mentions of your brand across the web. Indeed, 79% of online shoppers expect a response from a brand within a day. However, the response rate is less than 25%. Most likely, monitoring your social media channels gives your business a leg up on your competition.

Social Listening is Actively Engaging in Conversations

Another strategy is to actively engage in conversations about your industry on social media. Furthermore, this helps you keep tabs on what people are talking about. Perhaps, this allows you to join in on the conversation addressing harmful rumors before they take root. Of course, using hashtags aids in finding relevant conversations. Too, you do not want to  fear chiming in with your own thoughts and insights.

Social Listening is Monitoring the Metrics

Finally, make sure you’re monitoring social listening metrics on a regular basis. Please note, these metrics give you valuable insights into how people are interacting with your brand on social media. Likewise, pay attention to things like the sentiment of mentions. Especially, take notice of how often others talk about your brand. Also, notice who is talking about you. This data helps you understand what’s working well and where there’s room for improvement.

If you’re not already using social listening to understand your customers and your market, now is the time to start. By following these simple strategies, you’ll be able to get valuable insights that will help you improve your business. So, what are you waiting for? Start listening today! When you are ready for a professional plan for your social media strategy, let us know. We have the R.E.C.I.P.E for success! Call today!

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Ken Leib
Traffic & Conversion Analyst
Hi Octane Metrics LLC


phone: (513)463-7269

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